Recipes for surviving blog contains advice for healthy living for refugees who have survived immigration, discrimination, suicide, and sexual abuse.
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Thuy Rocco is the author of The Last Surviving Child: A Memoir, a collection of stories and poems about her refugee journey from the darkest moments of death, poverty, racism, discrimination, abuse, and depression to a life of survival and hope. As a child refugee from Vietnam, she lost all of her siblings and her father. Her mother braved seven journeys to escape their war-torn country. After several years in refugee camps, Thuy arrived in the U.S. in 1984 and grew up in poverty. After learning English as a young child, she became an interpreter for her family and their hope.
Her story was featured on Nashville Public Television Next Door Neighbors and Storyteller series. The short film “Playground English” was nominated for the Midsouth Emmy Awards.
Thuy spent over a decade empowering and mentoring immigrants and refugees. She hopes that her story would inspire others to be brave enough to share their story and to provoke compassion and understanding everywhere.
She was the first to go to college and completed her degree, French Literature and International Studies from Emory & Henry College. She went on to complete her masters in English at the University of Memphis. She spent over 15 years teaching and training in many different areas: English as a Second Language, culture and diversity, technology, Tae Kwon Do and Kanban.
She and her husband now runs her own technology consulting company: zenodeconsulting.com. She and her husband also founded a nonprofit, tkdanywhere.com, to provide martial arts education to all socio-economic communities. She loves to mentor, volunteer, travel, cook traditional Vietnamese food, write, and most of all, spend time with her family.
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The Last Surviving Child: A Memoir

Thuy Rocco | Next Door Neighbors | NPT
For any inquiries, please contact Thuy Rocco.